Dr.Vinton Cerf

Dr. Vinton Cerf, "Named Father of the Internet," was born on June 23rd 1949, now currently 80 years old! Cerf's education included a bachelor's degree at
Stanford University, and a masters and doctorate from UCLA. After his education, Cerf went on to become an icon in the Computer Science Field. Along
with Robert Kahn, Cerf produced the TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol), an electronic transmission that separated packet error
checking from issues that were relevant to destinations and domains. This later became the back bone for the internet! Cerf was a manager for DARPA where
he envisioned and actually helped develop the internet which consisted related packet data and different technology using TCP/IP. Additionally, at MCI
Communications Corporations, Cerf helped create the first email service called MCI Mail that can be used commercially by being connected to the internet.
Also, setting aside from computer science, Cerf served as an advisor to many US Agencies including NASA, National Science Foundation, and many more!
Vinton Cerf received many accolades such as the A.M Turing Award (Highest Honor in Computer Science), US National Medal of Technology in 1997, and
US Presidential Medal of Freedom. He will forever be remembered as "The Father of the Internet!"
